Greece embarks to the era of AI

Proud and honored to announce the launch of the Beta version of #mAigov, the LLM-based “Digital Assistant” of the public administration’s single digital portal ( of the Government of the Hellenic Republic, leading Greece to the era of Artificial Intelligence (#AI). Backed by novel #GenerativeAI, #LLM and #CloudComputing technologies, #mAigov achieves a significant milestone with regards to the digital transformation of the Hellenic Republic.

Citizens are, now, able to interact with #mAigov both from their mobile phone and their computer. They can submit their question in natural language, written or spoken, and #mAigov helps them locate the service they are looking for in an intuitive way, while at the end of the #conversation they have the possibility to evaluate the response. It is noted that #mAigov incorporates reasoning and answers based on the placed question and the data available in its knowledge base, while it remembers the initial questions and all follow-up questions and answers during a conversation, ensuring an optimal experience for each user. #mAigov is trained with and includes in its knowledge base the, currently available, 1607 services of and the 3270 administrative procedures of the National Registry of Administrative Public Services “MITOS”. 

The technology stack of #mAigov consists of Microsoft Azure #OpenAI service #GPT4 base model, #huggingface sentence transformers, neural search enabled #Opensearch, Microsoft Cognitive Services (for profanity and PII reduction), #Quarkus for backend and #Quasar (Vue.js) for frontend development.

UBITECH is responsible for the design, implementation and training of #mAigov, working in collaboration with COSMOTE (infrastructure provider), Accenture Greece (management and consulting) and in strong #Partnership with #MicrosoftGreece team to deliver this highly promising result, embracing #ResponsibleAI principles and respecting citizens’ privacy.

We would like to thank Dimitris Papastergiou (Minister of Digital Government, Greece), Konstantinos Kyranakis (Deputy Minister of Digital Governance, Greece), Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos (Secretary General for Information Systems and Digital Governance, Ministry of Digital Governance) and the involved personnel of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance and GRNET – Greek Research & Technology Network, for sharing their vision with us, as well as for their cooperation, support and faith to our work and efforts.